Information about Arjunarishta indication, dose, side effects, ingredients, method of preparation, storage, properties, reference and manufacturers.

Indication: Useful in cardiac disorders and respiratory system related complaints.

Dose: 20 to 40 ml with equal quantity of water. Two times daily after food.

Side effects:  No known side effects, the heavy dose may induce gastric irritation. Use with caution in diabetic patients as it contain jaggery.

Ingredients of Arjunarishta: 

SI.NO Sanskrit name Botanical name Quantity
Kwatha dravyas:
1 Arjuna Terminalia arjuna 4.8 Kg
2 Mrudvika Vitis vinifera 2.4 Kg
3 Madhuka pushpa Madhuca indica 960 grams
4 Jala Water
Sandana dravya:
5 Dhataki pushpa Woodfordia fruticosa 9.5 Kg
6 Guda Jaggery 1.6 Kg

Method of preparation: Prepare the kashaya or decoction by boiling kashaya dravyas in water and reduce to ¼th and strain the decoction. When decoction is cooled add Dhataki pushpa and Jaggery. Keep for fermentation in a closed vessel  for 1 month. After completion of fermentation, arista is filtered and stored in a glass bottle.

Method of storage: Stored in an airtight glass bottle. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Properties of Arjunarishta:

Roga karma: Useful in Hridaya and puppusa vikaras.

Dosha karma: Tridoshahara.

Other karmas: Balya

Reference: Bhaishajya ratnavali 33/75-77

Manufacturers: Dabur, Baidyanath, Divya Ayurveda Pharmacy.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician.  The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.