Information about Dhatryarishta Indication, Dose, Side effects, Ingredients, Preparation, Storage, Ayurvedic Properties, Reference and Manufacturers.

Indication:  Useful in Anemia, jaundice, cardiac diseases, cough, loss of taste, fever, arthritis, respiratory-related complaints like cough and asthma.

Dose: 20 to 40 ml with equal quantity of water. Two times daily after food.

Side effects:  No known side effects, the heavy dose may induce gastric irritation. Used under medical supervision.

Ingredients of Dhatryarishta: 

SI.NO Sanskrit name Botanical name Quantity
Kwatha dravyas:
1 Amalaki Emblica officinale 2000 fruits
2 Sharkara Sugar candy 2.4 Kg
Sandana dravya:
3 Madhu Honey 1/8  of Amalaki juice
Prakshepaka dravyas
4 Pippali Piper longum 96 grams

Method of preparation: Extract the juice of Amalaki and heated along with Sugar candy till it attains proper paka. When the mixture becomes cooled add Pippali and Honey. Keep for fermentation in a closed vessel  for 1 month. After completion of fermentation, arista is filtered and stored in a glass bottle.

Method of storage: Stored in a airtight glass bottle. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture.

Properties of Dhatryarishta:

Roga karma: Kamala, pandu, hridroga, vatarakta, vishamajwara, kasa, hikka, aruchi and other shwasa vikaras.

Dosha karma: Tridoshahara, mainly pittahara.

Agni  karma: Deepana

Other karmas: Hridya, rasadushtihara.

Reference: Bhaishajya ratnavali Pandurogachikitsa 12/120-122.

Manufacturers: Sitaram Ayurveda Pharmacy Ltd, Ashoka Pharmacy, Nagarjuna Ayurveda Pharmacy, Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician.  The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.