Information about Ashokarishta indication, dose, side effects, ingredients, method of preparation, storage, qualities, reference and manufacturers.

Indication: Menstrual disorders, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, gynecological complaints, hemorrhoids and  other bleeding disorders.

Dose: 20 to 40 ml with equal quantity of water, Two times daily after food.

Side effects:  No known side effects, the heavy dose may induce gastric irritation. Use with caution in diabetic patients as it contain jaggery.


Si.No Ingredients Botanical name Quantity
Kwatha dravya:
1 Ashoka twak Saraca asoka 4 Kg
2 Jala Water 41 litres
Sandhana dravyas:
3 Guda Jaggery 8 Kg
4 Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa 640 grams
Prakshepaka dravyas:
5 Ajaji(Krishna jeeraka) Nigella sativa 40 grams
6 Mustha Cyperus rotundus 40 grams
7 Shunti Zingiber officinale 40 grams
8 Daruharidra Berberis aristata 40 grams
9 Utpala Nymphaea stellata 40 grams
10 Amalaki Emblica officinalis 40 grams
11 Haritaki Terminalia chebula 40 grams
12 Vibitaki Terminalia bellerica 40 grams
13 Amra asthimajja Seeds of Mangifera indica 40 grams
14 Jeeraka Cumminum cyminum 40 grams
15 Vasa Adhatoda vasica 40 grams
16 Shwetha chandana Santalum album 40 grams

Method of preparation: Prepare the kashaya or decoction by boiling kashaya dravyas in water and reduce to ¼th  and strain the decoction. When decoction is cooled add jaggery and prakshepaka dravyas. Keep for fermentation  in a closed vessel  for 1 month. On completion of fermentation, arista is filtered and stored in a glass bottle.

Method of storege: Stored in an airtight glass bottle. Keep away from light and moisture.

Qualities of Ashokarishta:

Roga Karma: Asrigdhara ruja, jwara, raktapitta,arshas, mandagni, arochaka, meha and shotha.

Doshakarma: Pittahara

Other Karma: Stambaka, garbashaya balakara.

Reference: Bhaishajya ratnavali Pradhara roga chikitsa prakaranam 66/114-118

Manufacturers: Ary Vaidya Sala Kottakkal, Ary Vaidya Pharmacy, Arya Vaidya Nilaya, SNA Oushada sala Pvt Ltd, SDP Pharmacy Puttur, Shree Dhoothpapeshwar Ltd, Divya pharmacy, Vaidyaratnam Oushada sala.

Warning: Do not take this product without the consent of your Ayurvedic Physician.  The information here is only for the purpose of knowledge.