Aragvadha is a Sanskrit word, means which eliminate the disease. It is used as a medicine in Ayurveda, Siddha and unani system of medicine. In Ayurveda it is mainly indicated in Skin diseases and as a mild laxative in children.


Botanical Name: Cassia fistula Linn.

Family: Caesalpinioideae

English Name: Purging fistula, purging cassia, Golden shower

Sanskrit Names:  Chaturangula, Deergaphala, raja vraksha, Shampaka, Swarnabhushana

Names in Indian language:

  •  Hindi: Girimala
  • Kannada:Kakkemara, kakke
  • Malayalam: Kanikkonna, Vishu konna
  • Tamil: Konnai
  • IMG_1964Telugu: Rela
  • Bengali: Sondal
  • Marati: Bahava
  • Panjabi: Amaltas
  • Oriya: Sunari
  • Gujarati: Garamala

Description: Moderate sized deciduous tree grows up to the height of 20 feet to 35 feet with straight trunk, Bark: greenish grey when young, slight reddish and rough when old, Leaves: alternate, 20 to 40 cm long pinnate, leaflets in 4 to 6 pairs, colour greenish, ovate with numerous nerves, Flower: bright yellowish, 5 petals, 10 stemens,  Lax pendulous racemes flowering season February to April Fruits: cylindrical pod, up to 30 to 45cm long and 2 to 3cm in diameter, straight, brownish black in colour, Seeds: flat, testa very hard, smooth, numerous, present between the pulp.

Distribution:  Moderate sized deciduous tree, grows all over India and also used as Ornamental Plant .

Parts used: Fruit pulp, Bark, Leaves, root are used for medicinal purpose

Pharmacological action: Anti inflammatory, Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiviral, Antibactrial, Anti fungal, Hepato protective, hypoglycemic  and Anti oxidant.


  • Leaves: Tannins, Rhein, glucoside and sennosides  
  • Stem bark: fistucacidin, pentahydoxyflavan, Tannins, rhein, barbaloin
  • Pulp: Carbohydrate, proteins, leucine, arginine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and glutamic acid.
  • Seed: Vermolic, sterculic, galactomannan.

Ayurveda Description about Aragvadha – Cassia Fistula: 


  • Rasa: Madhura
  • Guna: guru, snigdha
  • Virya: Shita
  • Vipaka:Madhura
  • Vishesha karma: Sramsana or mrudhu rechana
  • Dosha karma: pittakaphahara
  • Roga karma: Jwara(Fever), hritroga(Cardiac complaints), gudaroga, udara, vrana, kusta(Skin diseases), raktadusti, Amavata, gandamala, krimi, udarashoola, prameha(Diabetes) and gulma.

Ayurveda References:

  1. Charaka samhita: Kustaghna, virechana and kandughna ( Charaka Kalpa 8).
  2. Sushruta samhita: Aragvahdadi , Adhobhagahara and Shleshmasamshamana.
  3. Astagha hradayam: Aragvadhadi
  4. Bhavaprakasha nigantu
  5. Raja nigantu
  6. Dhanwantari nigantu

Home remedies:

  1. For constipation: Fruit pulp separated from the pod 8 to 10grams along with hot water act as laxative.
  2. For Itching in dermatitis, scabis: Paste of the leaves applied externally.
  3. For throat infection, mouth ulcer: Gargle with decoction of Aragwdha bark.

Ayurvedic Formulations:

Aragvdhadi kashayam, Aragvadharista, Maha Manjistadi kashayam, Aragvadhamahaatiktaka grrutam, Aragwadhamrutaadi Kashayam.